Friday, February 17, 2012

Spaghetti with rich tomato and anchovy sauce

We enjoyed watching thunderstorms through our living room window yesterday, and the flickering candlelight inside, while cuddled up on the couch together. It felt like Autumn had arrived early. The rain against our window made me think of a favorite movie and song "Singing in the rain"...and dinner. So I searched through our pantry and fridge to see what I could find (because neither of us wanted to go out in the rain, we were enjoying it just fine from within the comforts of our home). Unfortunately, we broke our committment to "no pasta" through the week (we LOVE pasta, and over indulge too often). Anyway, what were we to do? It was too wet to go outside...remember...As it turns out, I was able to bring together a wonderful dish and create a brilliant new recipe! To those who don't like anchovy, please try this, I promise it's nothing like eating one on a pizza. The anchovy fillets in this sauce disintegrate into nothing leaving a truly beautiful flavour. Adding the fresh basil and parsley 10 minutes before serving gives an incredible burst of flavour, without overcooking the fresh herbs. This is a delicious rich sauce that is the perfect accompaniment to a stormy evening. So enjoy your cooking, light some candles, and nestle in enjoying some pasta and "Singing in the rain".

Spaghetti with rich tomato and anchovy sauce
serves 3

Mis en place "everything in it's place"

Heat olive oil, then add
chopped garlic and chilli
and stir as it infuses into oil
for a few minutes
 keep an eye on it as
you don't want garlic
to brown
Add tomatoes to pan
and crush up
with wooden
turn up heat
add red wine and allow
alcohol to evaporate for
 a few minutes,
continue to stir
Add anchovies and
 cracked black pepper
to sauce and stir
at this stage sauce should
be on a gentle simmer (low flame)
leave to cook for 30 mins,
 stirring occasionally
with lid off
With 10 min to go
add 4 basil leaves
chopped parsley
and a pinch of salt
and stir into sauce
*anchovies do add salt to the
sauce, but another pinch
was necessary
cook your pasta al dente
Sauce is ready!

Drain your pasta
and toss through sauce
add 1 heaped tbsp

parmigiano reggiano cheese
Served and ready
to eat!


3 cloves garlic finely sliced
2 tsp organic chilli paste
5 tbsp olive oil
x2 400g tinned tomatoes
a small handful flat leaf parsley
4 basil leaves
4 anchovy fillets
1/2 glass of red wine
pinch of cracked black pepper
pinch salt
1 heaped tbsp reggiano
1 pkt spelt pasta
 (or the pasta of your choice)
drizzle extra virgin oil to serve

Buon Appetito!


  1. this looks so delicious!! yum! x

  2. I love spaghetti and yours really looks good!

  3. Hi Lizzy - it really is and I urge you to try it! Thanks so much for your lovely comment x

  4. Hi Vicki - we are HUGE lovers of spaghetti - in fact anything Italian!! I am so please to hear you think mine looks good, given you are a great chef yourself! Thanks :)
