Monday, January 30, 2012

Garlic paste

We have been tennis mad this past fortnight here in Melbourne! We love the tennis. We always find this Grand Slam so uplifting and buzzy! It's inspiring for us to watch the incredible strength, power, resilience and athleticism of  Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Victoria Azarenka, Serena Williams (and more). Every year if not travelling, we visit the tournament to watch some super explosive matches, and then spend the rest of the tournament watching the matches from home glued to our couch cheering and barracking, feeling privileged that we are witnessing historical moments in sport - such as the Nadal vs Dojokavic Grand Slam final last night! An epic 5 hrs and 53 minutes five setter! Incredible gladiator athletes driven to their absolute best! We can't help but have the blues today...not just because it's Monday, but because Melbourne's best sporting event (in our opinion) has now packed up, the athletes have moved on, and we must wait another year...*sigh*

Ah well, now more time for cooking.

We missed our Thursday cooking tip post because we were preoccupied with the here it is!

Garlic Paste

Peel the cloves of garlic

Lightly chop into smaller pieces, then add salt

Using the flat edge of the knife, flatten the cloves of garlic to a smooth paste


**Garlic paste can be used in many dishes. We will use it in dishes we post, so stay tuned! For now, some easy creations are - mix garlic paste with butter, finely chopped parsley, a little lemon rind or orange rind. Place onto baking paper and roll into cigar shape, tie both ends and refrigerate or freeze. Take out and slice when needed to use when cooking steak, seafood, vegetables
Another easy one is adding garlic paste to butter and making garlic bread or garlic pizza using focaccia or pita bread

1 comment:

  1. Your photo skill is professional ^^
    I love galic flavour and galic paste is very useful
