Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ubud Central Market - Bali, Indonesia

Over the past 10 years we have travelled the world soaking up cultural richness, meeting wonderful people with amazing stories and eating fantastic food until we can eat no more! We have been drawn to people, cultures, food and photography like moths to a flame - or in our case a hungry traveller to a great curry. 

We love the warmth, depth and strength of families in rich cultures around the world. They always find a reason to come together - bringing food, music and love to the table. No matter their financial realities, people find a reason and a way to come together and share their love. These are the richest people in the world for they understand the meaning of life - there is no calling higher in this world than to share our love with others.

Over the past few years, our view of these life influences has changed. We recognize as Australians, the reason why we are so attracted to rich international cultures is both their reflection in our young country's patchwork society - but also their beautiful cultural depth developed over generations. As a young country Australia lacks this cultural depth - we know it will come in time - but for now we will travel the world and also inject ourselves into local cultural groups with a view to bringing this beauty to our lives and to you!

This is what we love, and live for.

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