Monday, February 20, 2012

Stressed is 'desserts' spelled backwards / Sweet Mondays

So, who wakes up on Mondays feeling bouncy and ready to go...? Not us! Mondays are usually stressful in one form or another, right? What we love about the word 'stressed' is that if you spell it backwards it says 'desserts' that's a lot to smile about! Each Monday we will be posting a delicious dessert recipe, to help make Mondays a little easier...stay tuned.


  1. I tend to eat more sweets when I'm stressed. I must be stressed a lot because I eat something sweet daily!

  2. Hello Vicki! It's worth the stress, isn't it?! Sweets wouldn't be quite the same, without a little stress in the day :)

  3. Hi Kristy and Adam, what a coincidence to see this image on your blog! It's one of my favourite images that I have on a postcard in my room! (well, normally in my room, now in a box on a ship on it's way from Italy to Asutralia ;-) )

    Will keep an eye out for the Monday recipes!

  4. Hello! So cool that you love and have this image too - it's a great one! Thanks for stopping by our blog and thank you for following our dessert recipes from next Monday.
    Are you missing Italy?!?! Adelaide is a gorgeous city, great produce...but...your hilltop in Italy...:):):)

  5. I like that image....when I'm stressed up I like to eat something sweet.
